New Message from the HQ

Student Brakeaway

Hi Guys and Gals,

Exams are done, the sun is shining… let the build-up to the 2007 Student Brake Away officially commence!

With less than three months to go, life in the SBA bunker is super-hectic as we continue to work furiously at making this summer one we will remember for the rest of our lives… or at least one we remember until we get home and sober up. It’ll be awesome anyway. Now for some important stuff: 


All teams must have their participating members finalised by this date, including the payment of their deposit. Once this date has passed teams will no longer be able to add new members, and any team members with unpaid deposits will be removed. Any teams with less than two members after this date will also be removed.

By the way, this year the official SBA event t-shirt will have the name of every participant printed on it – how cool is that, which is why we need your final team members names by this deadline.


Friday 29th June is also the final date for those travelling through France to make any outstanding payments. This means that we must have received the full £195 per team member by this date. Any teams with payments outstanding following this date will be removed and lose their deposits.


Yes, it is the moment that makes participants and organisers alike wet themselves as they collectively realise ‘it is really happening’. All teams that have paid their entry fees in full are now invited to e-mail with their top 3 choices of team number. The provisional list will be published on the website Friday 29th June and will be added to gradually as more teams complete their payments. Once your team appears on the list then your number will not be changed, so you’ll be safe to run around getting your own decals etc sorted should you wish.

So remember, if you reckon you need to do something Brakeaway-ish this month but you’re not sure when, chances are it’s FRIDAY 29th JUNE.

Finally, Ben and Lianne from Channel 4’s Shipwrecked will be releasing a specially recorded video message for you soon, talking about how excited they are to be coming and how awesome you have to be to want to take part in something like this. Keep checking for that little treat.

Until next time…

The SBA Team

2 Responses to “New Message from the HQ”

  1. Phil Says:

    “Finally, Ben and Lianne from Channel 4’s Shipwrecked will be releasing a specially recorded video message for you soon, talking about how excited they are to be coming and how awesome you have to be to want to take part in something like this.”

    Did that ever happen? If so, where is it?

  2. Cpt. Curbs Says:

    never saw that .. maybe they’ll do that later?

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